Competition Terms & Conditions for 2XU Nordics
Listed below are the terms & conditions for 2XU Nordics competitions on social media. By participating in the competition, you consent to our terms & conditions, and to our collection and processing of personal data according to the personal data processing rules.
KMP Online AB, Textilgatan 43D, 120 31 Stockholm which is a part of MnO International AB. KMP Online AB holds the rights to sell and distribute 2XU in the Nordic region. Contact: info.nordics@2xu.com.
When can one participate in the competition?
This competition is based on your answers and suitability and runs during the period 12 January – 12 februari 2025. The winner is chosen during Februari by KMP Online AB. The decision is final and cannot be appealed.
Who can participate?
All natural persons over the age of 18 who have an Instagram account and live in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, or Finland. People who are employed by KMP Online AB or its associated companies cannot participate.
How to participate?
Answer the questions and subscribe to 2XU Nordics newsletter. Please note that your Instagram account must have an open profile for us to see your profile. The profile must be created in accordance with the community rules of the respective platform. Accounts that may be perceived as offensive will be excluded from the competition. You participate free of charge and without any purchase requirements.
One (1) winner is chosen based on the answers and how suitable the profile is from all competition entries received during the competition period. The prize is seasonal and never out of stock products from 2XU for a value of 10.000 SEK. Any tax implications that may arise by accepting the prize is paid by the winner. We will contact the winner through email. The winner must reply with their contact details and address to receive the prize. If the winner is not reached within seven (7) days, KMP Online has the right to nominate a new winner. The prize is personal and cannot be transferred to another person. The prize cannot be exchanged for cash. Lost, unused, or returned prizes are not reimbursed.
Personal data processing
By participating, you agree to these terms & conditions, and that your name, Instagram username and location may be published on 2XU's channels. The winner's personal information will not be shared with third parties or used for marketing purposes or resold. Further information on how we handle personal data can be found in our Personal Data Policy here.
Sweden: https://se.2xu.com/policies/privacy-policy
Norway: https://no.2xu.com/policies/privacy-policy
Denmark: https://dk.2xu.com/policies/privacy-policy
Finland: https://fi.2xu.com/policies/privacy-policy
We reserve the right to withdraw, amend or extend the competition. We reserve the right not to be held accountable for any typos or similar errors and are not responsible for any technical obstacles or inaccuracies. The contest is not sponsored, administered, or promoted by Instagram or facebook.